Barcelona tries to contain the outbreak of ‘drunken routes’ with a new veto in Ciutat Vella

The fear of ‘drunken tourism’ does not decay into Barcelona: when it decreases in one neighborhood, it emerges in another. Although it does not always manifest itself in the same way or its effects They are attributable only to visitors who lose their hair in the city, the unease for the rogue version of the 21st century traveler reappears regularly in the city. The noise and crowds -often drenched in alcohol– bother the neighbors and irritate the movements that represent them, be it in the bunkers of Carmel, on top of the terraces of Enric Granados, in Gràcia for its festivals, the Gulf of poblenou or the streets where partying is routine in the poble sec: there, some other inhabitant confesses that he moves to escape the night bustle.

The anxiety for the wild version of the tourism it is not monopolized by a single flank of Barcelona. However, an attempt has been made to preserve, in particular, Old Townat least one of the manifestations of the phenomenon: organized routes for foreigners wanting to jump from bar at the bar, attracted by an assortment of low-cost drinks, free at best offer. They are labeled with the explicit name of ‘drunken routes’ and the City Council outlaws them in the city’s historic district since 2012.

After successive renewals both under the mandate of Xavier Trias and Ada Colau, the government of Jaume Collboni proposes extending the veto one more year. alleges risk that these types of circuits consecrated to drinking one drink after another can now sprout again. Indeed, EL PERIÓDICO has been able to verify that different web pages advertise routes of this type, under the name of “pub crawl”, with tickets on sale for any night of this month of August. And that the activities are actually being carried out in Ciutat Vella.

Forbidden to organize and even announce them

A mayoral decree has been the first step to prolong the “prohibition temporary” of the routes planned between pub. The proposal maintains the hours in which activity was restricted until now, from seven in the afternoon to seven in the morning. The resolution makes it clear that they are prevented “under any modality & rdquor ;, also from advertising them. They are judged “incompatible with citizen coexistence, especially with regard to the free movement of people and the rest from the neighbors & rdquor ;.

“Connivance & rdquor; between operators and pubs

The decree is based on a report from the unit of the Urban Guard in Ciutat Vella, which warns that there is a “forecast& rdquor; of a “return to proliferation of alcohol routes to young tourists”. The police ruling associates the ‘tours’ with “certain tour operators in collusion with certain nightlife establishments & rdquor ;. It does not specify names or locations of the premises.

Likewise, the Urbana describes that it is a “modality of leisure” with “important roots among certain nationalities who visit the city of Barcelona& rdquor ;. “This makes the tourist the main aim of the offer of the establishments that are dedicated to the promotion and realization of the routes of alcohol consumption& rdquor ;, he points out.

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The police add that “alcohol routes, when they have occurred, have seriously affected the free movement of the people and the rest of neighbors and neighbors & rdquor ;. It emphasizes that they causeconcentrations of groups of people at the doors & rdquor; of the premises, which increases “the inconvenience by noise and the incidents on public roads exponentially & rdquor ;.

The extension proposal is also based on a report from the legal services of Ciutat Vella. Resolves that ‘drunken routes’ are “Inconveniences & rdquor; with “the uses and activities & rdquor; of the public highway “that are above this practice & rdquor ;, such as the holiday and the dream of the residents.
