Barcelona taxi kicks off four days of airport protests against illegal drivers on Monday

The taxi sector will undertake this Monday four days in a row of protests in the airport of Barcelona to complain about the presence of “illegal” drivers on the aerodrome premises. The demonstrations have been called by Elite Taxi (an association that has been leading the large protests of the sector in the city for some time), in the face of the “inaction” of Aena against unlicensed drivers who attract customers in the arrivals area of ​​the airport.

The entity’s spokesperson, Tito Alvarezhas reproached the infrastructure manager, sonia corrochanothe lack of will to meet with the sector and seek measures to eliminate the presence of illegal taxis.

The organization has maintained the mobilizations despite the meeting that they finally held this Friday with the Minister of the Interior of the Generalitat, Joan Ignasi Elena, after which he considered fulfilled all the demands that he directed to the Government and the Mossos d’Esquadra. The Generalitat explained to the entity that As of August, more Mossos troops will be assigned to the airportwhich will facilitate the control of illegal taxi drivers.

Development of the protest

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For the first day it is planned that from 10:00 to 12:00 there will be an “invasion of taxi drivers” in the arrivals area of ​​Terminal 1 (T1), with service stoppage, Álvarez explained last week. For Tuesday they have scheduled use the taxi horn for half an hour every two hours in the taxi area; on wednesday, a slow motion between the two terminals of the infrastructure that “will surely involve blocking the entrances and exits of the Airport” by road. And on Thursday there will be a “second invasion” in the concourse of T1, where a assembly to decide new mobilizationswhich can include slow marches through Barcelona.

The association’s demands include having an information stand in the T1 lobby; remove the pivots from the access ramp to the taxi area; opening a second ramp down, and the use of stickers on the ground to indicate access to taxis. They also claim to restructure the reservation area in the T1 parking area, more private security presence, and warn over the public address system that the official taxi is “yellow and black.”
