Barcelona takes the day of reflection enjoying en masse its beaches

Already from the first hour of Saturday The desire of the people of Barcelona to be able to enjoy a weekend closer to summer than to the death throes of winter or the beginning of spring has begun to be felt in the atmosphere. And it is that just the day that the high season for Barcelona beachesthey have once again presented a full more than remarkable thanks to a meteorology that has accompanied with a rebound in temperatures with practically sunny skies during the day and with only some low and medium strata blurring first thing in the morning and already in the last hours of light.

A hot day where temperatures have exceeded 25 ºC in different parts of the Catalan capital, reaching up to 27.6ºC at the station that the Meteorological Service of Catalonia It has installed in Zona Universitaria, the 26.9 ºC that have been registered in the Raval or the 26.4 noted in the Fabra observatory.

An ideal cocktail for Barcelonans took to the streets and, more specifically, the first line of the coast that stretches from the Vela hotel – on Sant Sebastià beach- to the Fòrum -Llevant beach-.

In short, a situation that is common in recent Mays – last year even suffering several bouts of heat around these same dates-, but that right in 2023 he was being elusive due to the meteorological instability present, with intermittent but regular rainfall and temperatures cooler than usual – that this weekend, finally, has granted a minimum respite.

A postcard of collective revelry and civic confluence in which the few who dare to take a dip, the many who seek some long-awaited rays of intense sun, those who hit volleyball hard, and those who enjoy vermouth and Lunch at one of the many beach bars that serve as refreshments during the recently started high bathing season on the city’s beaches.

Elections also peaceful

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Repeating almost the same meteorological scenario, the presence of very few clouds and a lot of sun will be the tonic to enjoy the Sunday, May 28, electoral day in which it will be determined who will be the next mayor of Barcelona. A day marked, like Saturday, by the absence of rain and where stability will reign in the sky. Only some low strata at the end of the day could blur it.

with barely thermal amplitudeIt will be a Sunday in which temperatures will move between 18 and 21 ºC throughout the day. And it is that the minimum will remain stable and the maximum will recede slightly.
