Barcelona reopens less than half of the stores it bought to create new stores

He Barcelona’s town hall It plans to award in one month just under half of the 35 commercial basements that it acquired in 2021 for 17.5 million euros. The purchase was part of the ‘Amunt persianes’ plan, part of the pact that the government that Barcelona en Comú and the PSC made up at that time closed in 2020 with ERC to agree on the budgets. The intention was to reoccupy local empty with new business and neighborhood shops. However, the project has encountered a obstacle after another to the point that the measure has been delayed, without it yet being fully effective.

At the request of the Republicans, the deputy mayor of Economy, Jordi Valls (PSC), responded in the economy commission this Wednesday that 17 of the 48 have been accepted proposals presented to reoccupy the establishments. However, the count that the councilor broke down by districts gives a total of 16 stores to reopen shortly: five of the 10 purchased in Old City; three of the four in the Eixample; three of the five in Sant Marti; two out of five Sants-Montjuïc; one of three in Nou Barris and both low in Sant Andreu and Horta-Guinardó.

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Valls blamed the delay in handing them over to the fact that it was decided not to grant them during the electoral period – “it led to nothing being done for five or six months” – and obstacles in registrations in the commercial registry and I would note it. “I think that now we are in a position to make the deeds public,” said the socialist. He added that the municipal society Foment de Ciutat “must study how they reengage & rdquor; now the premises that still lack a business to house. In any case, he advanced that an attempt will be made to “do repechage” of the projects that “were not accepted in principle.”

Councilor Jordi Castellana (ERC) declared upset with the results of the project, which he judged to be meager. “We have work to improve it,” observed the mayor. In any case, he advocated that the City Council continue buying premises, to the point of becoming a policy “recurrent” in Barcelona. “We always have things to improve, but they also depend on the project,” said Valls, who shared that “there must be an attitude of purchasing local stores, but also social and solvency business”.
