Barcelona records the warmest October in its history

Although temperatures have started to drop already in Cataloniathis Monday we learned that Barcelona has recorded the warmest October since there are records, 108 years ago.

According to data from Fabra Observatory, An average temperature has been recorded during October 20.7 degrees (absolute record in Catalonia), 3.6º more than the average for the period between 1991 and 2020. The absolute maximum temperature was detected on the 26th, with a record of 28.8 degrees. The previous records were 19.6ºC on average in October 2014 and 19.5ºC in October 2013.

The data from precipitation They also reveal the anomalous weather and climate situation in Catalonia: 11.3 millimeters per square meter (13% of what is usual).

This year’s summer, with an average temperature of 24.1 °C, has exceeded the previous maximum record -the summer of 2003- by 0.3 °C and it is the first time in the last 82 years that an anomaly has been reached. quarterly so high, according to data from the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) in Catalonia. The month of August was the second warmest month in the historical series of the Fabra Observatory (1914-2022).

This increase in temperatures has caused what can be considered “summer values” to be registered beyond the summer (June/July/August), both in previous and subsequent months, a heat that has lasted throughout the month of October.

According to Meteocat forecasts, temperatures will drop again this week in Catalonia, after up to 41 tropical and torrid nights – minimums above 20 °C – have been recorded in Barcelona since May.

It’s finally starting to cool down

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According to the Meteorological Service of Catalonia, in the next few days the minimum temperature it will be between slightly and moderately lower, with minimum temperatures ranging from 6 °C to 10 °C in the Pyrenees and between 8 °C and 16 °C in the rest of Catalonia. Temperature maximum it will be slightly lower and will go from 15 °C to 17 °C in the Pyrenees and from 18 °C to 24 °C in the rest of Catalonia.

Although a front of extensive rains does not appear to alleviate the drought that keeps more than 300 Catalan towns with restrictions, for this afternoon some rainfall is expected on the southern slopes of the Pyrenees and Western pre-Pyrenees, with a snow level that will be in the 2,800 meters. Some showers could be registered on Tuesday from noon in Tarragona and in the northeast quadrant in the afternoon, although they will be of weak intensity.
