Barcelona launches a program to install solar panels in residential buildings

The Barcelona’s town hall has signed an agreement with the Col·legi d’Administradors de Finques de Barcelona and Lleida and the Guild of Installers of Barcelona to boost the iInstallation of solar panels in residential buildings, He explained in a statement on Monday.

The ‘Solar Moment Barcelona’ initiative seeks to help residents in the processing of subsidies in this area, so that they can amortize the cost of the installation within a period of two to three years.

The consistory expects that some 2,000 families (100 neighborhood communities) will join the initiative this 2022 and ensures that a family unit that bets on self-consumption can reduce the cost of the electricity bill by up to 25%, which represents about 200 euros of annual savings.

With this initiative we want to “increase interest, convince and accompany” the communities to carry out the entire process of installing photovoltaic panels from the preliminary study to the installation, legalization and commissioning of the panels, as well as the process to access the available grants.

Permits and maintenance

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‘Moment Solar Barcelona’ will accompany in practice all the executive action of the self-consumption installation, will manage the necessary permits and will take care of the maintenance of the photovoltaic panels. The Agència de l’Energia de Barcelona will also promote a communication campaign and will have a team of informants to explain the project and make the installations effective.

For its part, the Col·legi d’Administradors de Finques de Barcelona “will help reach” the neighborhood communities and the Gremi d’Instal·ladors de Barcelona will ensure professional installations that meet all the technical and legalization requirements at a cost they deem reasonable.
