Barcelona is not currency

The electoral headquarters of the parties are in municipal mode since before the summer. The beginning of the course has intensified the orders to demographic companies. And in almost all Barcelona is the epicenter of their concerns. It is more than known that a substantial part of Yolanda Díaz’s project revolves around the need for Ada Colau repeat as mayor of Barcelona, ​​whether or not she wins the elections. In the PSOE they paint coarse. There is no real possibility on the horizon of recovering any mayor or important autonomous community, rather the opposite. A storming victory for the PP in the municipal elections would make it practically unstoppable Feijóo’s arrival at Moncloa. So Ferraz and those around Sánchez have set their sights on Barcelona given the good expectations of the PSC both in the capital and in Catalonia as a whole. The temptation to intervene in the appointment of the candidates is real and those of Salvador Illa should make a move to prevent Sánchez’s advisers from trying to act with a vision of Barcelona and Catalonia in the 1980s. Illa is the only territorial baron who has done their homework and has recovered the vote of Citizens that in the rest of Spain he has gone to the PP after leaving the PSOE. And doing your homework gives you the right to decide. Barcelona’s candidacy cannot be a bargaining chip.

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