Barça’s option to accelerate the transfer lever


Act at 22:52


After activating the first lever this past Wednesday for a value of 207.5 million euros, Barça now seeks to activate one close to 400 million

This second lever is the one that will give free rein to the signings of this summer

FC Barcelona announced this past Wednesday the agreement with the American investment company Sixth Street Partners for 10% of television rights of the next 25 years. That signing allowed the Blaugrana club to enter 207.5 million euros to be able to close the 2021/2022 financial year in a positive way and thus begin to get rid of the pressure that financial ‘fair play’ is exerting on Barça.

Barça still has the approval of the assembly to sell 15% more of these television rights, up to a total of 25%. The Blaugrana club hopes that this second lever could reach a figure close to 400 million and that allows a total of 200 million euros to be released to face the operations of the summer market, in which it is intended to incorporate several footballers such as Lewandowski, Raphinha, Christensen, Kessié, Azpilicueta or Marcos Alonso.

Before activating the second lever, the club needs to present the economic records, the audits and the ‘due diligence’ carried out so that those interested in acquiring the percentage of television rights can bid safely and with guarantees. This is why if the investment fund that presents the best offer for these rights is Sixth Street Partners, which has already acquired 10%, this whole process could be accelerated. since their lawyers, economists and auditors have already validated the accounts of the Blaugrana club to close the operation.

If the offer more interesting for the club is that of another of the companies that are bidding, all this bureaucracy could delay the operation to activate the second lever and open the ban for signings, once these revenues allow the club to change the sign to the financial ‘fair play’.

The initial intention of the club was that this second lever could be activated before the turn, but it will be very difficult, even if the operation is done with Sixth Street Partners, to make it possible.
