Banner with ‘don’t aim at the farmer, but at this whore’ at protest Eindhoven

1/2 Photo: ANP.

According to the municipality, about 1500 demonstrators attended a solidarity demonstration in Eindhoven on Sunday with the farmers of Samen voor Nederland. Among other things, they had all kinds of flags and signs with them. One of the demonstrators carried a banner with an image of nitrogen minister Van der Wal with the inscription ‘Don’t aim at the farmer, but at this whore’.

Profile picture of ANP

Van der Wal is depicted with two devil horns and a sniper target on the forehead. Somewhere halfway through the procession, the banner disappeared. When asked, a police spokesperson could not say whether this had happened at the behest of the police, ANP writes.

Other signs and banners read ‘It’s not right’, ‘Enough is enough’ and ‘Nitrogen crisis is a lie’.

The banner on which Minister Van der Wal is depicted.
The banner on which Minister Van der Wal is depicted.

The ‘March with the Farmer’s Handkerchief’ also made a point of other things that the protesters are opposing, such as the European identity card, the permanent corona law and the member treaty of the World Health Organization WHO. The influence that the World Economic Forum would have on the cabinet is also a thorn in the side of the organisation. Willem Engel was also among the demonstrators.

Farmer’s handkerchief
The participants of the tour gathered around 12.30 pm at the Stadhuisplein in Eindhoven, from where, after a few speeches, they made a four-kilometre tour through the city center for two hours. Many participants wore a farmer’s handkerchief, which could be purchased from the organization. The proceeds of the sale are transferred to farmers’ organization Agractie with the intention of paying the fines that activist farmers receive.

ALSO READ: Protesters wear farmer’s handkerchief during protest against nitrogen plans
