Banks refuse to provide additional credit: “Banks have become more preferable” | Inland

In the fourth quarter of 2023, the banks are available for ondernemingskredieten funds, and in a minimum amount of money. This can be seen from the banks in Febelfin.

Vergeleken with the last three maanden of 2022 steeg the aantal kredietaanvragen van othernemers the voorbije kwartaal with 5.6 percent, seed was good for a minimum price of 12.4 percent higher. The banks are actually giving 11.4 percent less loans, which for a higher demand: 13.5 percent.

“He was dus less loans – maar voor higher bedragen – reinforced. “It can be seen from the stronger style of the bedrijfsinvesteringen,” Febelfin notes.

Volgens de Gegevens van de Nationale Bank is the weighted pension of bedrijfskredieten – which was around 1.5 percent – beginning in 2022 the rate was 4.66 percent in November last year. In December he cleared terugval tot 4.53 percent.

The uitstaande bedrag aan opgenomen ondernemingskredieten was in December op 191.2 million euros. That is 2.4 percent over a year, while the annual amount is still 5.9 percent.

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