Bang in the jungle – Tara Tabitha flies out

This departure came as a surprise. On Friday evening, moderator Daniel Hartwich (43) brought the bad news: A jungle candidate flies out that evening – without ifs or buts.

This time, however, the viewers were finally allowed to vote by telephone to decide who had to leave the jungle.

But that SHE was sent out of the celebrity camp – hardly anyone expected that. The Austrian reality star Tara Tabitha (28) made headlines again and again and had an extraordinary screen presence.

Unforgotten: The scandal surrounding her “Only Fans” account, on which she presents her feet and her appearance as a “tooth fairy”. Here, in the middle of the jungle, a veneer broke out of her tooth and had to be painstakingly reattached.

With Tabitha, the fans kept hoping for a rendezvous and perhaps more intimate moments with “Jungle Show” winner Filip Pavlović (28).

But before things could really get down to business there between the palm leaves, it was over again. No more chance for love – was that maybe the reason why too few viewers called for the Austrian?

Tara got along very well with Filip, but it didn't turn into a great love story (Photo: RTL)
Tara got along very well with Filip, but it didn’t turn into a great love story (Photo: RTL)

Tara also got into a bad mood on Friday. She claimed from camp colleague Anouschka Renzi (57): “She does more show than all of us together.”

Actor Eric Stehfest (32) was suddenly on her hit list: “It seems to me that he’s always observing, not always being real, and then teasing the others when he sees any possible weaknesses. We definitely have to be careful – it’s dangerous.”

also read

► Only the campfire is crackling here – Filip breaks up with Tara

► Cheating scandal about Anouschka Renzi

Tara hadn’t expected that she would be voted out that evening. When Sonja Zietlow (53) and Daniel Hartwich broke the news, she could hardly believe it: “It’s a joke, isn’t it?”

But Hartwich confirmed: “Unfortunately no. Sorry, Austria.”

But there is one innovation in this “jungle camp” season: Tara stays one more night in the camp and can say goodbye to her roommates in peace. Tomorrow she will start her journey home to Austria.

We say: Thank you and Pfiati!


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