Bandi’s ‘No New’ clothing swap initiative is entering its second year

British slow fashion app Bandi’s New Year Reuseolution initiative is entering its second year. Anyone wishing to take part simply has to commit to not buying any new clothes for a month (ie the whole of January). Bartering or secondhand is allowed. Sound difficult? Bandi co-founder and CEO Frankie Theakston managed to do this for a whole year.

“I am very proud of the successful completion of ‘No New 2022’. After the first three months it was a breeze; my attitude has completely changed and I no longer think about buying new things first. I’ll be tackling ‘No New 2023’ and I’m hoping to go two years without buying new clothes and be able to share more of my experience with everyone! I’m more obsessed with second-hand clothing than ever,” enthuses Theakston.

Together with her sister Nicole, she founded Bandi in September 2021 to enable users to exchange used clothing. Apart from postage, they don’t invest any money – the clothes are exchanged by arrangement, which is why Bandi has the nickname “The Dating App For Your Wardrobe”.

“Dating App For Your Wardrobe”

The challenge is designed to raise awareness of the fashion industry’s impact on the planet, and anyone can take part by downloading the Bandi app and accepting the pop-up invitation. If they want to trade, all they have to do is create an account, upload pictures of the clothes they want to trade, and wait for trade offers.

The advantage is that the transactions are completely user-controlled and include all brands and types of garments. The lack of a financial component also makes them easier, and the presence of a brand or retailer-driven platform independent of credits that encourage new purchases.

“I am thrilled that we can repeat our ‘New Year Reuseolution’ for 2023. Last year was a huge success: with over 250 people committed, we saved the carbon equivalent of 3,100 cups of coffee and 120 trees. This year we aim to surpass that number and make an even bigger impact,” concludes Theakston.
