Banana: calories, nutritional values ​​and properties | iO Woman

S.often mistreated and considered a simple fruit “for children”, to be avoided especially if you are on a diet or if you suffer from diabetes, banana is a real super food, indeed it was the first food to be defined as such in the twentieth century. Among his many “pros”? It is the hunger-breaker snack par excellence, both in the mid-morning and in the afternoon, it satisfies without bloating and is very rich in properties between proteins and fibers.

Banana, superfood that lowers stress and gives a good mood

«The banana assures the organism large amounts of potassium, iron, magnesium, fiber, soluble sugars and proteins. And therefore essential for all muscle and heart functionsit keeps the heart healthy and improves the immune system »explains Dr. Erika Ghetti, dietician at San Pier Damiano Hospital in Faenza.

But the benefits of this exotic fruit are many: it helps in fact reduce physical fatigue and counteract aging, improving the skin and stimulating the growth of nails and hair. But not only: «Being rich in vitamins of group B, the banana is useful for the good functioning of the nervous systemtransforms the properties of food into energy and counteracts the level of stress ».

“In particular, this latter task is carried out by tryptophan, a striker of serotonin and dopamine, known to improve mood, mental well-being and psychological serenity“.

Potassium against water retention

But the component of which the banana is rich is potassium, the content of which is high and essential especially if you follow a diet. The mineral indeed helps keep the presence of liquids in balance, i.e. it acts by increasing urine production, lowering sodium levels and thus preventing swelling: «By intervening in regulating the pressure, the fruit stimulates diuretic effects promoting the drainage of excess fluids and thus improving cellulite as an inflammatory aspect. Furthermore helps the kidneys to cleanse the body»Explains the expert.

If it is eaten then it is ripe at the right point provides the correct supply of fibers that perform a direct action on the intestine improving its transit and regularity, continues Dr. Ghetti.

A series of benefits that have earned this fruit, the first in history, the definition of “super food” coined at the beginning of the twentieth century. Furthermore, although it has always been considered too sweet a fruit, subsequent research has highlighted it as the banana stimulate weight loss, like apples and pears.

Banana is a fruit suitable for everyone

Is banana therefore a fruit suitable for everyone? “Yup, because the high percentage of especially simple sugars is compensated by the equally high quantity of fiber. And thanks to these it can also be consumed if you are on a low calorie diet or if you have diabetes. The important thing is the quantity and knowing how to balance it in nutrition by taking it in moderation, maybe half or a small size ».

Another question is whether you are allergic to latex, «in this case there may be a mechanism of cross reactivity so we must pay attention to consumption ».

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How to eat it?

Alone like break hungry is fine or even in fruit salad with the addition of lemon, mint leaves and dried fruit.

“Basic is not to exceed in added sugar and especially in fruit. If it is a portion, it can be done twice or each fruit can be divided in half so as not to raise the quantities too much, while guaranteeing a good visual, gustatory and mental satisfaction “advises the dietician who concludes” However, I would like to remember that the banana remains a predominantly exotic fruit, exported, with a high environmental impact linked to transport, to the methods of collection and conservation. It is therefore good to try to moderate their consumption, buying more sustainable fruits grown closer to us “, concludes the doctor.

