Ban on untargeted gambling advertising and sponsorship | news item

News item | 08-07-2022 | 15:00

Advertisements for online games of chance will be further restricted. As of January 1, 2023, providers of high-risk online games of chance will no longer be allowed to advertise their gambling offer untargeted. This also applies to sponsorship. As of January 1, 2025, all sponsorship of, among other things, programs, events and sports will no longer be allowed. This includes shirt sponsorship. The Council of Ministers, on a proposal from Minister Weerwind for Legal Protection, has agreed to consult the amendment of the Decree on recruitment, advertising and addiction prevention gambling (Wrvk Decree).

Based on the Remote Gambling Act, online gambling has been legal since 1 October 2021. Consumers are better protected within the legal offer and addiction, fraud and money laundering are prevented as much as possible. In order to lead players from illegal to legal gambling, the legal offer must be findable and attractive enough. This requires some form of advertising. At the same time, vulnerable groups must be well protected against excessive play and addiction. That is why additional measures are being taken to better protect vulnerable groups such as young people and people who have or have had a gambling addiction against the risks of games of chance. Last week, Minister Weerwind announced the ban on the use of role models for gambling advertisements.

Minister Weerwind: “Today we have taken an important step towards further curbing gambling advertisements. Advertising is a means of directing people to the legal offer, but the importance of addiction prevention outweighs. With this I want to protect vulnerable groups such as young people in particular.”

Ban on untargeted advertising and sponsorship

The ban on untargeted advertising applies to providers that offer online games of chance. From next year they will no longer be allowed to advertise on TV, radio and in public indoor and outdoor spaces. Advertisements via the internet and direct mailing remain partly allowed, but the rules will be further tightened so that vulnerable groups are not confronted with the advertisements. The use of sponsorship by providers of online games of chance will be phased out. As of January 1, 2024, program and event sponsorship will no longer be allowed and from January 1, 2025, sponsorship at sports locations and shirt sponsorship will follow. The phasing will give the sports sector the opportunity to find alternative sponsors. The Gaming Authority will soon monitor compliance with the new rules and can intervene immediately in the event of violation. This can be done, for example, in the form of a warning. If a provider does not respond, a fine may also follow.

The amendment decision will be consulted next week. Interested parties can then respond to the proposal during 8 weeks. At the same time as the internet consultation, the decision will also be submitted to the House of Representatives and the Senate.
