Ban on role models in gambling advertisements in effect | news item

News item | 30-06-2022 | 08:29

As of today, it is prohibited to use role models in gambling advertisements for, for example, casinos, sports betting or online. This concerns all persons who enjoy some form of public fame or with whom they want to identify or associate themselves, such as (former) professional football players, influencers, models, singers and well-known poker players. Minister Weerwind for Legal Protection has amended the Regulation on recruitment, advertising and addiction prevention for games of chance.

Image: Ministry of Justice and Security / Bas Kijzers

The Remote Gambling Act makes it possible to gamble legally online from 1 October 2021. The purpose of this is to guide players from illegal offerings to legal offerings. Protection of the players is not guaranteed with illegal providers. Legal gambling providers must adhere to strict rules that are supervised by the Gaming Authority. Consumers are better protected within the legal offer and addiction, fraud and money laundering are prevented as much as possible. Advertising contributes to players being able to find the legal offer, but the nature and size of the advertising does have a limit.

Minister Weerwind:

“Role models can be an appealing example of a successful lifestyle that is especially attractive to young people. We have seen that advertisements with role models can have a pull effect on starting to gamble or playing longer than is justified. To protect vulnerable groups and In order to protect young people in particular, I have banned the use of role models.”


The ban applies to all advertising of high-risk games of chance such as online gambling, casinos and sports betting. From television and internet or advertising posters and newspaper advertisements. Charity lotteries, the state lottery and lotto are exempt from the ban; they are referred to as less risky games of chance. The Gaming Authority supervises and can immediately proceed to enforcement in case of violation. This could be in the form of a fine, for example. The Gaming Authority has written to gambling providers and important players to draw their attention to the upcoming ban and its enforcement.

Broad advertising ban for the summer

The ban on role models is in addition to other advertising regulations. For example, advertisements from games of chance providers may not be misleading, call for inappropriate gaming behaviour, present games of chance as a solution to financial problems, or be aimed at minors and other vulnerable groups. In addition, for high-risk games of chance, advertisements may not be aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 24. Before the summer, Minister Weerwind will present a proposal to further restrict advertising. It concerns a ban on untargeted advertisements for high-risk games of chance, in order to offer vulnerable groups even more protection. Think of television and outdoor advertisements. The precise scope of the ban will be known as soon as the proposal is submitted for consultation.
