Baltic Olympiad in Informatics starts in Lübeck

the Baltic Olympiad in Informatics (BOI) is a student competition for top IT talents in the Baltic Sea region, in which countries bordering the Baltic Sea such as Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Lithuania regularly take part. This year, a total of 130 people from 12 different countries are coming to Lübeck. The organizers are particularly pleased that they can welcome a guest delegation from Ukraine in Lübeck and one from Israel online.
The core of the BOI are the so-called contests – two five-hour exams in which the students have to master three difficult IT problems and convert the solutions into correctly and efficiently executable programs. The level is high: The professional performance of the participants is set at the level of university master’s programs.

Music meets computer science

But culture and science also find their place during the Baltic Olympiad in Informatics: Music and IT talents come together under the motto “Talents meet Talents”. The top young talents of the Institute for School Accompanying Music Education (ISMA) of the Music Academy Lübeck (MHL) will be presented at the concert in the Colosseum on Saturday, April 30th at 8 p.m. Five young musicians present their artistic abilities with solo and duo works from different epochs, which form a worthy framework for the BOI with festive and spring-like contributions. Among others, works for trumpet, horn, violin and piano by Johannes Brahms, Claude Debussy, Sigfrid Karg-Elert and Bernhard Krol can be heard. The young interpreters are Emil Ribbentrop, Dorian Saad, Jonte Schröder, Nane Schulz and Marcus Zhai, who are already being taught in various instrumental classes at the ISMA of the MHL during their school education. Admission to the “Talents meet Talents” concert is free.

Computer science meets art

On Sunday, May 1, at 4:30 p.m., professors from the three Lübeck universities will give insights into the topic of computer science and art in lecture hall V1 of the university. Nicola Hein, sound artist, guitarist, composer and researcher in the field of music aesthetics and cybernetics at the Lübeck University of Music will be connected from New York. In his short lecture he will present guitar music that he has created using AI. The university professor and former national winner in computer science at BWINF, Till Tantau, will speak about the monetization of art using non-fungible tokens, NFT for short. Professor Andreas Hanemann of the TH Lübeck gives an insight into a current software technology project that is being developed in cooperation with the European Hansemuseum. The free event takes place in lecture hall V1 of the university. All interested are welcome.

Baltic Olympiad in Informatics

The Baltic Olympiad in Informatics (BOI) is one of the international computer science student competitions. The BOI has been held annually since 1995. For German participation in the International Informatics Olympiad (IOI) and thus also for participation in regional international Informatics Olympiads, the Nationwide computer science competitions (BWINF) responsible. BWINF is a joint project by the Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, the Fraunhofer Group for IUK Technology and the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The BOI 2022 set up the nationwide computer science competitions within the framework of university cooperation Lübeck to the power of 3 with the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) at the University of Lübeck. More information at: 
