Balloonist Daan is looking for 12 women for a romantic evening in the air

51-year-old Daan van Loosbroek from Tilburg has been looking for a sweet and nice woman for months. But one who understands what it’s like to lead a busy life as a pilot and entrepreneur. The television program Farmer seeks Woman gave him an idea. “I’m inviting 12 women to join my hot air balloon for free in September or October.”

At a literally high level, Daan hopes to find his true love there. Preferably a woman from Brabant, because according to him they are ‘super nice’. Daan is a real chatterbox and does not like to sit still. As co-owner of Sky Ballonvaarten in Tilburg, there is always work to be done. On the ground or in the air.

“I lead an adventurous life. Often at home late or even days on the road. It is an existence as a kind of entertainer, so as a partner you have to be able to cope with that. Or the woman has to lead the same kind of life,” says Daan.

“It would be nice if she’s pretty much in the same boat.”

Perhaps the ideal match for Daan is a woman who is a balloonist herself, but he considers that chance very small. “They are very scarce in the Netherlands, but it would be nice if she was in roughly the same boat,” Daan laughs.

Women who like an adventure with Daan can email him at [email protected] after which he will set a date in September or October to take off together. “First we have a nice drink here on the terrace at the Gilzerbaan and then we go sailing. Within an hour I hope that the spark will pass between each other.”

“I’m 51 now and it’s time to settle down.”

With the sun setting on the horizon and some champagne, it must be a romantic affair high in the sky. “In any case, it will be a nice evening for all 13 in the basket. And hopefully one of them will catch a real pilot”, Daan laughs.

Daan’s idea is certainly not a test balloon. “I’m 51 now and it’s time to settle down. Preferably with a soul mate who understands me and – with the cold winter months just around the corner – maybe even come to live here on the farm with me.”
