Balloon action by Etos staff at Ahold head office for more pay

A few employees of Etos handed over dozens of balloons this morning to the collective labor agreement negotiators of the drugstore chain that is part of Ahold Delhaize. “We earn a living wage,” says Renate Stavleu, branch manager of several Etos stores.

A handful of employees are standing on the sidewalk of the head office in Zaandam. “Not everyone dared to come, afraid of losing their job. We brought a balloon for those people,” says Renate. “And for the people who are working, because the store cannot and should not close.”

“We are just ridiculously poorly paid,” adds Madelon Schaart. She works in the Etos at Amsterdam Central Station. “We have to make a lot of effort for a few percent wage increase, while Albert Heijn’s distribution center went up by 10 percent.”

Past actions

The message is clear and it is the umpteenth action against Ahold Delhaize for a better collective labor agreement. In March this year explained employees of the Albert Heijn distribution center down the work for more pay and with success. In the end, they got a pay rise.

The Etos staff also wants to have more left over at the end of the month. “We stand here for a good collective labor agreement, a viable collective labor agreement and good allowances. Our holiday money goes to bills. Many people cannot go on holiday,” says Renate.

Eating out or on holiday is not an option for the employees who work at the Etos. “We earn 12.31 euros. Isn’t that something to cry about? We want to earn at least 14 euros per hour,” says Madelon.

The negotiators of the FNV will meet with the management of Etos this morning to discuss the new terms of employment. Anoesjka Aspeslagh, FNV spokesperson: “Today we are having the third interview. We want a good collective labor agreement for our colleagues. We hope that they will come to an agreement today, but whether that will work is not yet certain.”

At least the balloons are in the room where the negotiations are taking place.
