Bald eagle uses Texel Airport airfield to take off

Why just randomly take off somewhere when there’s just a nice airport nearby to take off from? A bald eagle that has been roaming around Texel for a few days, knew it and neatly used the runways of Texel Airport in Eierland yesterday morning to take off, media partner reports. Texel Courant.

As far as we know, the white-tailed eagle ‘did not fully’ adhere to all protocols in the field of registration and so with air traffic control, but at Texel Airport they are not the most difficult. In any case, director Ed de Bruijn of Texel Airport watched with amusement at the special guest at the airport and immediately captured him on camera.

The bald eagle has been sighted on the island and in De Koog and De Cocksdorp for a few days now.

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Marc Plomp of the Bird Information Center in De Cocksdorp announced on Facebook that the animal probably escaped somewhere, because it wears a closed copper-colored ring. According to him, a bald eagle has never been seen in the wild on Texel.

Other animals

It is currently quite busy with all kinds of special animals that carefree wander around in the wild on Texel. On Friday they unexpectedly had a peacock visit at Duin Bouwbedrijf in Den Burg and on Monday morning an emu was spotted in the wild along the Genteweg.
