Balans na gletsjerbreuk in Italië loopt op tot negen doden, nog 3 mensen missed | Buitenland

A large piece of the Marmolada glacier was on the 3,343 meter high mountain broken and veroorzaakt een avalanche. Daarbij zijn also eight canteens were raised. The support services are assigned to the zoekoperatie to the missing of the drones, only the ground is not stable and the authorities do not have the right to use it.

The authoritarian authorities should not reckon with any other word of the report or the mass of the paper. De Italiaanse krant ‘La Repubblica’ writes eerder dat het gevaarlijk zou zijn om te graven op zoek naar lichamen. The situation near the gletsjer is notably nog extremely gevaarlijk. The mountain is closed for the public.

Grandchildren raised the authority of the accused because of the gletsjer toegankelijk te laten, because of that, the climate stood. As a result, so many things had changed and there were warnings about the opening of the glacier, the door of the climate change and the record temperatures that year in Italië – zelfs 10 grades on the top of the day for the ramp – has become fragile. Door de warm temperatures smelt de gletsjer sneller. The water is stacked on top of the ijslaag in maakt the onstabiel.
