Bake! 5 x this is how you bake the best traditional oliebollen according to the experts

Baking oliebollen may be a tradition around this time of year, but it also seems like a lot of hassle. The batter should be airy, the crust crispy and the inside cooked through. Annoying? Nope: with these tips from artisan bakers you can make light donuts in no time.

There is almost nothing like a home-baked bun, except those from the artisan baker. But how come they can make them so delicious? The oliebollen bakers naturally have a lot of experience and know exactly how to bake the best bun. They give five important insider tips. No time or desire to bake? Look at this page to see where the traditional oil balls are waiting for you.

1. Bake Safely

An electric fryer with thermostat is protected against overheating and cannot ignite on its own. Should the flame nevertheless strike the pan, quickly put the lid on to extinguish the fire.

2. Bake outside

As tasty as they are, baking donuts is a smelly job. Therefore, go outside under a shelter, so you prevent odors in your house. Put on a thick coat, a hat and warm up your inner man with a glass of mulled wine ;-).

3. Fresh oil

You fry the tastiest oliebollen in new oil. Choose an oil with a neutral flavor, such as sunflower oil. Do you bake another snack afterwards? Replace the oil first, otherwise your snack will taste like oil balls.

Bakery Vreugdenhil | Photographer: Alina Krasieva

4. Nice and airy

Make the batter the day you are going to bake. Make sure the ingredients you use are at room temperature. Dissolve the yeast in some water or milk and then stir it into the batter. Do you like an airy oliebol? Replace the water in the dough with lukewarm beer. The yeast in the beer makes the oliebollen extra airy. An apple through it provides a freshness. Put the batter in a warm place and let it rest for about thirty minutes so that it can rise. Before baking, stir the batter with a wooden spatula. This gives the batter a soft structure.

5. Keep track of the time

The temperature for baking is precise. You bake a good oil ball between 175 and 180 degrees. At a higher temperature, the outside bakes too quickly and the inside is not yet cooked. The rule of thumb for baking time is: for every ten grams, one minute of baking time. So if you use an ice cream scoop with a diameter of 49mm, for example, stick to a baking time of five minutes. Don’t overcrowd the pan: oliebollen need space to float and expand.

Bakery Vreugdenhil | Photographer: Alina Krasieva

Become a baker

Did the oliebollen turn out well and did you enjoy it? Maybe the baker’s profession is something for you. There are courses for lateral entrants. Do you want to take over an existing bakery? Then look at the start-up scheme on the website.

Olive oil nearby

Did your best, but still failed oliebollen? Or no time to make them yourself? The artisan baker in your area has made them for you with love. Look at this page to see where you can buy delicious traditional oil balls in your area.
