Baerbock calls for an airlift to distribute refugees

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) has spoken out in favor of an airlift to distribute refugees from the war in Ukraine.

“We not only need corridors on site, out of Ukraine, we need an airlift in solidarity,” said Baerbock on Monday before an EU foreign ministers’ council in Brussels.

“We have to distribute from the external border directly to European countries, everyone has to take in refugees,” the minister continued. It’s not about a few thousand, but about millions of people. The refugees would also have to be distributed across the Atlantic.

BVG buses bring the refugees from the main train station and central bus station to Tegel (Photo: Ralf Guenther)
BVG buses bring the refugees from the Ukraine from the main train station and central bus station to Tegel (Photo: Ralf Guenther)

At the same time, Baerbock announced an increase in EU funding for Ukraine: “We will increase the funding for the procurement of military assets to one billion to make it clear: We stand in full solidarity with Ukraine, we stand to protect it of the civilian population in Ukraine.”

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The latest pictures from Ukraine are “heartbreaking,” said the minister. The targeted bombing of civilian infrastructure such as hospitals and theaters with civilians in them is clearly a war crime.
