Badger sett was urgently removed to prevent the dike from breaking

The Aa en Maas water board urgently removed a badger sett from the dike along the Maas at Sint Agatha, in the municipality of Land van Cuijk, on Thursday. That castle was already going to be removed in a nature-friendly manner, but this has now been accelerated due to the expected high water wave next Saturday. The castle would then increase the risk of a dike breach.

“The castle was very close to the dike and we did not know how extensive the damage was in the dike,” says the water board. “Corridors could cause a dike breach and a flood. That is why we had to intervene now.”

In addition, the water board wanted to prevent the Meuse water from flowing into the badger corridors. That is why the campaign was carried out in consultation with the Mammal Society, the Das & Boom Foundation and the province. Normally there are strict rules before a castle can be removed, because the badger is a protected animal.

A castle has now been built nearby with straw bales, where the badgers can stay safe and dry.


Here you can see how a badger built a castle under the railway near Vught

Curious why badgers cause so many problems at (railway) dikes? You can read that here
