Badalona approves a motion against the amnesty for those accused of the ‘procés’

He Ordinary municipal plenary session This Monday afternoon has passed with regularity until the time has come to deal with the motions of the different political groups. Less than an hour before the start of the Plenary Sessionthe local PP group, led by the mayor Xavier Garcia Albiolurgently presented a motion “against the processing of an amnesty law”.

Knowing such intentions, PSC and CKD They have decided to present motions opposite to that of the PP. Thus, at 5:31 p.m., the Republicans’ motion “in favor of the amnesty law” was registered. Eight minutes later, at 5:39 p.m., the socialists presented theirs, in the same sense.

The turn to speak to talk about the crossing of motions was opened by the spokesperson for the group of the PSC, Fernando Carrera: “In 100 days, they have gone from ‘Badalonism‘ to Aznarism.” “Why have they presented the motion at 5 in the afternoon? Well, they present it that way because They are forced by the Popular Partyas they have done in all the cities of Spain, Mayor Albiol is putting Badalona at the service of Feijóo’s interests

For his part, the spokesperson for the political group of CKD, Alex Montornèshas used sarcasm to begin his speech: “I don’t know whether to address you as mayor or as member of the PP. He ran for office saying that he wanted to be everyone’s mayor, regardless of his ideology. Now we all know that the PP has kidnapped his voice“.

Aïda Llauradófrom In Comú Podemhas insisted that “the ‘Badalonisme’ today disappears, and takes off the mask“. “By putting yourself against the aministia you put yourself against the general feeling of the citizens, which allows us to recover the democratic normality. In our training we will always build bridges between spaces that have been at odds for a long time.”

For Dolors Sabaterrepresentative of Guanyem Badalona“the lies they have the short legs and I know them “catch fast.” “You achieved an absolute majority with a campaign whose main message was that you did not want to change ideologies, but to change Badalona, ​​and today ‘pam’, here we have the truth, you not only want to change them, but also persecute the ideologies of those who do not think like yousince in his motion he treats some of the 54,000 Badaloneses who went to vote on October 1, 2017 as criminals.”

He Mayor Albiol has preferred to let the other spokespersons express themselves first, although the motion of the PP has been the first to introduce herself: “Everyone knows that I am a member of the PP, but above that militancy is Badalona, ​​and I demonstrate that with my day to day life. When I sit in the chair in the Alcladía office ― Albiol said with a serious face and pointing towards the aforementioned office, “I only owe myself to Badalona.”

“Actually, I think the same as Pedro Sanchez about all this, but I am referring to the Pedro Sánchez of three months ago,” the mayor concluded, drawing on irony.

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In the end, beyond that CKD and PSC The votes against their respective motions have been returned, the absolute majority of the PP has exercised the roller and the result has been as expected: the PSC and ERC motions in favor of the amnesty have been rejected and the motion presented by the PP against the amnesty has been approveddespite the fact that all political groups except the PP have voted against.

Read all the news from Badalona in THE Badalona NEWSPAPER
