Bad weather: the best holiday activities without getting wet

It’s been a soaking wet Christmas holiday so far. We ended the old year with buckets of rain and started the new year with downpours. Not nice for all children who are currently on holiday, but also not for all parents. Fortunately, you can also do cool things that don’t require an umbrella. A list of the best indoor events.

Swinging and waving on the ice rink
Bee the Winter Park in Schijndel you can swing and pirouette on the indoor ice rink. There is also a cozy winter café to warm up with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. You can go there for ice hockey matches, music bingo, disco skating, performances by various great artists, an afternoon for the elderly and craft afternoons.

Archive photo: ANP
Archive photo: ANP

Racing with your self-built racing car
Build your own racing car from wood and then test it out on the Nerdy Derby race track. It’s possible the Discover Factory in Eindhoven. And there’s even more creative things to do in this cool place for crafty kids. In the scrap corner you unscrew all kinds of old equipment to build new inventions from the loose parts. There are also films to watch and you can then put together your own cartoon. The Discover Factory at Strijp-S is open until Sunday, January 7.

Archive photo: Boudewijn Bollmann/Flickr
Archive photo: Boudewijn Bollmann/Flickr

Infinite maze through crazy spaces
Feel like Alice in Wonderland in the wonderful world of Doloris The Maze. A bizarre trip through an endless maze with crazy spaces, where you clamber, climb, crawl and slide through the dark. Everything takes place in a large corridor system at the top of one of the tallest buildings in the Spoorzone of Tilburg. Fun for children and adults.

Pajama party at the cinema
Going to the movies without your parents is possible on Wednesday evening in Den Bosch at the Verkadefabriek. First eat pancakes and then go to the cinema, where they are showing the family film ‘Hotel Sinestra’. And don’t forget to put on your favorite onesie or pajamas, because afterwards it’s time to dance the Pajama Disco Party.

Christmas winter circus
Highly respected audience! In Oss the Christmas winter circus perched, with performances by the human cannonball, jugglers, the knife thrower and bikers in a gigantic ball of steel. On display until January 7.

Archive photo: ANP
Archive photo: ANP

Swing in a world of enchanting light
It looks a bit like GLOW, but nice and warm and dry. At the Motion Imagination Experience you enter a world of enchanting light. Every space is different. You can even swing while surrounded by bright colors, fire, clouds, water and ever-changing patterns. Even the clothes glow. By pressing the buttons, the light spectacle changes every time. The Motion Imagination Experience is located in the city center of Eindhoven.

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The SNERT youth theater festival
Have you ever looked at the inside of a garbage truck? Would you like to help build a new world or meet Fred the stubborn deer? Gather your friends and family the SNERT youth theater festival in Tilburg. On January 4, 5 and 6 there will be all kinds of performances and concerts at various locations.
