Bad Relationships – «Should I resign myself to being alone?»

Cplow Esther,

I’m here writing to you (have I reached the famous breaking point?).

Love and couples: 6 signs to understand if he is not the right person

Love and couples: 6 signs to understand if he is not the right person


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Age 33, manager satisfied with my job and the position achieved with great sacrifices and a lot of hard work (state university and no help from the family). All this ambition and rationality are shattered, however, if we talk about feelings: after a 5 year history (20-25, the best years alas) I couldn’t find a person. Not a person to spend more than a couple of months with, nothing that was worth it, despite my persistence in always wanting to see it through, to the last drop of hope.

I’m not exactly an extroverted girl, or rather I limit myself a lot, thanks to one tormented childhood as a very emotional child (maybe I still am). The last meeting was going reasonably well, but after a delicate heart operation and what seems like depression he walked away with an “I don’t know what I want”.

The question is something wrong? Should I persist in looking for a person or live my life and hope that something happens? I would definitely have to overcome a series of fears and finally go live alone, travel, have some experiences. But all this scares me to death. Help me Ester, I feel like I’m racking my brain!

I thank you in advance.


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Ester Viola’s response

Esther Viola

Dear F.,

Forgive the crude manner, these are tiring days with lost sleep and so the sarcasm takes over: and this one at least had the excuse of heart surgery to disappear.

The disappearance of the male is an eternal practice that has now reached unimaginable heights of perfection. And who knew, they were so clever. Like females, better than females.

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› Defective Relationships – «So how to face life?»

› Defective Relationships – «Narcisa, inexperienced, a bit cowardly, I can’t find love»

It’s like the quarter of an hour of celebrity: everyone has the six months in their life in which you try to understand why someone is leaving, instead of reacting with the Neapolitan oh well.

Knowing is mostly a waste of time – something you discover when you’ve already known too much. Then you would need the pill against the resignation that comes to you. There isn’t, as it will have been explained to you by now: we need to go back to hoping, each one relying on her own poor strength.

They would give themselves some money to stop asking themselves certain questions, I know. The stupidest one is: where did I go wrong? Nowhere. Nowhere.

Should I persist in looking for a person or live my life and hope that something happens?

Ask. See how you answer yourself: both things together.

There is no need for violent reorganizations, we accompany each other, one day at a time. Some are already blessed with an easy and light spirit, others need training. Yes, disappointments disappoint. “The important thing is to give meaning back to life among people, the important thing is not to take another specialization in the art of surviving alone,” he wrote Philip Rothyou understand that you have to believe him.


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