Bad news for Wesley Sneijder’s family: mother Sylvia has lung cancer

Son Rodney confirms that Show news

Sylvia Sneijder has lung cancer

Sylvia has been home since Tuesday evening, after being hospitalized. According to Rodney, it is still unclear what the treatment plan will look like. For example, Sylvia cannot be operated on because the tumor is pressing on an artery. This makes surgery too risky. There is a small bright spot: no metastases have been detected.

Recorded in Turkey

Last week Sylvia was hospitalized during a trip to Turkey. The Turkish doctors discovered a lung tumor, but could not yet determine whether it was benign or malignant.

Misdiagnosis after respiratory problems

Sylvia’s health had not been going well for some time when she received the doctor’s approval to go on vacation. She suffered from shortness of breath and breathing problems. She was sent away from the doctor with bronchitis as a diagnosis. In the end, it turned out that something much worse was going on.

Visit of Yolanthe

Back in the Netherlands, not only did the Sneijder family visit Sylvia in the hospital, Yolanthe and (grand)son Xess Xava also visited her. Despite the failed marriage with Wesley, Yolanthe is still on good terms with the in-laws.

Source: Show news

May 26, 2022
