Bad luck for Peshe: cat is rescued from gutter by cherry picker after 1.5 days

After almost two days in the gutter on Hertog Albrechtstraat in Bovenkarspel, cat Peshe (4) was rescued by the fire brigade last night. Even the mayor came to take a look. “It’s our child, we are very happy,” says Viyan Botany, who once gave the four-legged friend as a gift for her daughter’s ninth birthday.

Horrified, Peshe – Kurdish for ‘cat’ – comes to look around the corner this morning. She hasn’t fully recovered from the shock yet. Since Sunday morning she had been sitting in the gutter, in the full sun. She didn’t dare go down anymore.

Viyan is home alone and calls her husband and children. A carpenter friend comes with a high ladder and the immediate neighbors are also ready to help. “But she was so scared. And went from one side to the other.”

Two fire trucks strong

Peshe won’t let himself be caught. And so there is only one thing to do: call the fire brigade. They ask the Botany family to be patient a little longer. The hours pass excruciatingly slowly, without result. “So again we called the fire department, we were scared. She had been meowing without food and water for almost two days.”

When the fire brigade arrives around 9 p.m., Peshe still cannot be caught. A second fire brigade comes to the rescue and, in combination with a cherry picker, they eventually manage to pluck her out of the gutter. Quickly and effectively, the firefighter grabs her by the scruff of the neck.

Battle in the cherry picker

She doesn’t give up in the cherry picker. The rescue firefighter is left with the necessary scratches on his hand. “I am very grateful to everyone, but I have to say sorry. Hope things get better soon,” says Viyan.

Once on the ground, Peshe is so panicked that she runs off. After midnight she comes home for the first time. “She has drunk a lot and is still scared. But she will get some extra treats today.”
