Bad luck for castle volunteers: expensive tools stolen | 1Limburg

A bitter pill for the volunteers who restore Borgharen Castle: they lost a lot of work material due to a burglary. The total damage is approximately 5,000 euros.

These include drills, breakers, electric hedge trimmers and chainsaws. The tools were stored in the tool room.

According to chairman Peter Geuijen of the Borgharen Castle Preservation Foundation, it is a mystery exactly how the thieves got in. The break-in may have occurred thanks to a number of doors that had been temporarily removed for restoration. A slim-built thief could slip through the bars. The exact time is also not clear, although it was probably in the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

5,000 euros in damage may seem like small beer on a million-euro restoration. Yet it is a blow to the 40 volunteers. Every euro has to be turned over to make the restoration possible. “Now we first have to spend a lot of money on replacing materials. That’s just a shame,” says Geuijen.

Years of restoration
The castle has been in the works for eight years, the oldest part of which dates from the twelfth century. Many parts needed a facelift. Among other things, the quay walls of the canal, the stables and the many rooms full of painting must be taken care of. A plan is made for each part and as long as financing and technical knowledge is available, work can be started.

The restoration is expected to last at least until 2032. To prevent a repetition, the security measures have now been tightened.
