Bad Gyal, fury, fun and hypnosis at the Palau Sant Jordi

Almost exactly one year ago (February 11), he officiated Bad Gyal his astonishing rise to the ‘star system’ in the Palau Sant Jordiand this Friday there was no longer much room for strangeness: the album’s ‘hits’ wheel ‘The joy’ It tells us about a pop phenomenon that is causing a sensation among young people and that is governed by its own laws, with the lyrical heat and the hypnotic looped tune as anchor points.

And she, the diva, a figure who marks distances with her catalog of postures. Neither a stunning singer, although with interesting hinted bass tones (very damaged by filters and ‘autotunes’) nor a tremendous dancer (movements, rather the fair and calculated ones, dripping with twerking included), but she appears with a star aura assumed by everyone. With her short, sparkling dress and those songs that are one ‘hit’ after another, grouped in ‘medleys’ and tending towards a certain rhythmic linearity, Bad Gyal put us in a trance state in which it was easy to lose sight of the world.

Controlando el patio


Una pizca de dancehall aquí (‘La que no se mueva’) y mucha electrónica con graves en todas partes, bases a veces con inventiva, y el eco del reguetón, y mucha rima descocada para danzar sin sentimiento de culpa. Dejando claro quién manda aquí: “Con la cintura controlo los movimientos / cuando digo que piloto yo yo no miento”.

Bad Gyal representa el triunfo del rito físico en este formalito rincón de Europa, con el pompis en el centro de las ecuaciones poéticas (el corte de mangas de ‘Perdió este culo’, y el ya clásico ‘Tremendo culón’, etcétera) y la celebración del cuerpo como instrumento de relación social y de poder. Lo representó en un ‘show’ que ha evolucionado solo un poco desde el año pasado: seis bailarines, más tarimas y pantallas de ‘leds’, proyecciones (imágenes retrospectivas de cuando “era una chavala normal”) y fogonazos de pirotecnia.
