Bad beating attack on Martin Fenin

THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS! After Eintracht’s magical Europa League triumph in Barcelona, ​​there were ugly scenes of violence on the streets of the Catalan metropolis. Prominent beating victim: Martin Fenin. Frustrated Barca fans savagely punched and kicked the former Frankfurt striker and his wife.

The 35-year-old Czech posted a video on Instagram and Twitter. He wrote: “After the game, my wife and I were beaten.” They were then detained by the police for 36 hours. “Without help, without food, without drinking, madness,” Fenin continues.

And just before his birthday

The former crowd favorite of Eintracht (2008 to 2011) and 30,000 other Frankfurt fans made a pilgrimage to Barcelona with his wife on Thursday to cheer on his ex-club. But the sporty, so bright evening ended somberly. Several Spanish fans attacked Fenin on the street. But eventually he manages to get up and move on.

Not only the evening, but also his birthday two days later, he should keep in painful memory.
