“Back For Good” and cotton candy for the audience

On Saturday evening (November 25th), Thomas Gottschalk celebrated his last “Wetten, dass ..?” broadcast – and because the show ultimately not only lives from quirky bets, but above all from the star guests, there was of course a lot of celebrity support for Thommy . Among others from the British boy band institution Take That.

However, they only came in (the currently standard for them) trio line-up in the form of Gary Barlow, Mark Owen and Howard Donald. After all, Jason Orange hasn’t been there for a long time, and Robbie Williams apparently couldn’t be persuaded to appear with his colleagues either. First there was a performance: the three musicians played “Where We Are” and then their hit “Back For Good” – two sentimental songs that went well with the end of the Saturday evening main evening program show.

Take That distribute cotton candy

Later, Take That sat on the guest couch. The British also acted as betting sponsors there: a woman bet that her dog could recognize numbers. Take That’s bet: Spin cotton candy and distribute it to the audience.

It had to be redeemed later. After handing out some cotton candy, it was over, the three stars had to get on the plane, they said. A classic on “Wetten, dass ..?”: The star guests have to catch a plane.
