Bachelor Medical Caregiver receives BIG registration and functionally independent authorization | news item

News item | 25-02-2022 | 15:45

On the proposal of Minister Kuipers of Health, Welfare and Sport, the cabinet has decided that three differentiations of the Bachelor Medical Caregiver (BMH) will be included in the BIG Act. This concerns the differentiations of ambulance care, emergency care and cardiodiagnostics/interventional cardiology. These BMH’ers are given a functionally independent authority to perform certain reserved acts. In concrete terms, this means that they are allowed to perform actions without the supervision and intervention of a doctor.

Minister Kuipers: ‘The selected BMH’ers are of added value because they can be widely deployed in acute care. They are given a functionally independent authority, with which they can intervene when necessary. That is also in the interest of patient safety.’

Inclusion in the BIG register takes place if two conditions are met. Firstly, the training program must be adapted so that students gain more practical experience during the training. In addition, the profession for which the Medical Assistance program trains with the three differentiations must bear a different name. The term ‘bachelor’ is used in the specific context of a study program or degree, which means that it is not permitted to use this term for a professional title.

Until the entry into force of the legislation and regulations, BMH employees can work under the responsibility of an independently authorized BIG registered person.
