‘Bachelor’ Fabrizio reacts to the whole fuss about Phaedra: “Don’t take it all too seriously” | showbiz

“Like I said: don’t take it all too seriously,” Fabrizio’s Instagram account sounds. In the photo we see how Fabrizio reacts to a message from one of his followers. Tip: Before calling other people arrogant, take a look in the mirror. Fabrizio has also followed the advice of the lady in question. He in turn shared a photo in which he looks in the mirror… That Fabrizio indeed does not take the whole fuss too seriously, is also apparent from one of his other messages on social media. He shared a photo from Bol.com on his Instagram Stories. In the photo we see a return shipment of a red rose. “Note from Phaedra: No thanks Fabrizio”, it sounds further in the photo. “Okay, you got me @Bol_com”, Fabrizio says with a laugh.

(Read more below the photo.)

The reason for all the fuss is the previous episode of ‘The Bachelor’. Fabrizio had to swallow this week during the rose ceremony. By offering a flower to Phaedra, he indicated that the blonde could continue cycling in the race to his heart. But that was not counting the 21-year-old West Flemish. She stepped forward, said she didn’t want to be belittled, and stepped aside. Without dandruff. There stood Fabrizio, watching his toes. Phaedra has already received a lot of praise on social media. “My Instagram profile has exploded”, Phaedra laughs. “It is unbelievable how many positive reactions I have received, I really did not expect that. ‘It’s great that you stand up for yourself’, was the main message, but in many variants (smile). The fact that it was also a day after International Women’s Day made the picture complete.”
