Bachelor-Anton is looking for a mother for his future children in reality

Anton would like to start a family within a few years. CONTAINS PLOT REVEALS!

Anton is seriously looking for a love reality partner. MTV

Bachelor in Finland wakes up to the first villa morning.

The women are still bewildered that no one was sent home immediately after shaking hands.

There’s a date, and that’s fine – even if it’s raining in Greece.

Antonin on group dates, the number of future children is discussed. The man himself would like two children.

About women Johanna’s is already a small child, only a partner is missing. And there should be more children. For Antton, this is not a threshold issue:

– The fact that a woman already has a family isn’t really a problem. Probably also has a direction in life and knows what he wants, says Bachelor.

Not all women are traveling with only motherhood in mind. Vera for example, hopes to find a good partner first, only then is it time to think about children.

At the evening party, there is even more talk about starting a family.

One woman in particular impresses Antoni with her dreams of motherhood.

Bachelor Suomi on the MTV3 channel on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
