Bachelor-Anton chose Minna – the separation came soon after filming

Bachelor-Anton reveals that after arriving in Finland, everyday life came very soon also in terms of love.

Anton Aaltonen was looking for love in the Bachelor Finland series. Pete Anikari

Bachelor Finland season has come to an end and the final showed how Anton chose at the end Minna and The same gave her last rose To Nea. Anton now reveals on his Instagram account that his feelings with Minna ultimately did not deepen into a relationship.

– The last filmed scene in Crete ended as it should have ended. My feelings surfaced from the very first conversation, and grew as the trip progressed. In the end, the genuine joy and happiness of finding a potential life partner was at the top, he writes.

Anton continues that after returning home everyday life soon came, and the feelings did not mature into love.

– But, like a roller coaster, the ascent is usually followed by a rapid descent, and it started quite quickly after the plane’s wheels hit the surface of Helsinki-Vantaa. It soon became clear that this story will not have a happy ending, despite a few flashes of light.

– I set out on the trip with an open heart, and with that I was able to experience really meaningful things. Something I never thought I would experience at this age. Emotions from zero to a hundred, both in moments of happiness and in moments of brokenness. Even though sometimes you have to hit rock bottom, those moments of happiness are always worth it. If there’s one thing I can recommend, everyone open your hearts. It will definitely pay off in the end.

Anton thanks his loved ones, who have supported him during his Bachelor journey, because his head has been on wheels at times.

– So eight months after filming started, I’m kind of at the same point as when I left for Crete last September. An open soul, a bright twinkle in the corner of the eye, but more mature to face what love can bring to my life.

He sums up that he learned three things in particular during the trip: that everything starts from respect and that being with another person should basically be easy.

– Feel, live and enjoy – with this formula you will get a huge amount of memories in your life. Those that last forever, Anton sums up his third lesson and wishes love in everyone’s life at the end of his writing.

You can see Anton’s writing in its entirety below. If the image is not visible, you can view it from here.

Yet Bachelor Finland: After the Rose – program, Anton and Minna said that getting to know each other had continued with signs of dating.

– That trip was such a bubble and now the familiarity with everyday life begins, Minna said.

– We are in no rush, he added.

In Tuesday’s final episode of the Bachelor Finland program, we saw how Anton gave his last rose to Minna. Joonas Järvisalo, mtv3
