Baby happiness complete in peregrine falcons: all eggs hatched

Substantial family expansion with the pair of peregrine falcons that breed in the tower of the Petruskerk in Vught. The fourth and last egg hatched last Monday. Baby happiness can be followed live via a webcam.

In three days all the chicks hatched from the egg. One of the little ones didn’t make it. Despite frantic efforts, the young was unable to free itself from the eggshell. The female then picked up the chick and flew away with it.

The other two chicks were born on Friday and Saturday. The peregrine falcons are devoted parents. The female keeps the little ones warmwhile the male regularly brings tasty snacks.

Also spotted in Tilburg, Den Bosch and Liempde
The nest box in the high church tower has been there since 2017. Since the previous breeding season, the peregrine falcon couple has stayed near the Petruskerk. The female has also been seen in Tilburg, Den Bosch and Liempde in recent years, according to the data from the ring on the leg.

The camera in Vught is certainly not the only one in Brabant where you can see live what the peregrine falcons are doing. There are also cameras in Eindhoven, Tilburg, De Mortel and Liempde, among others. Via Working Group Birds of Prey Netherlands you can look inside the different nest boxes

ALSO READ: Mating peregrine falcons in Vught to be seen live: ‘Male is a cheater’
