Baby Cedric weighs 5.5 kg (!) at birth

Baby Cedric weighs 5.5 kg (!) at birth

Most newborn babies weigh between 2.5 and 4.5 kilograms after 9 months of pregnancy. So on average about 3.5 kilograms.

Cedric was born on September 22 in AZ Groeninge in Kortrijk, one of the heaviest babies born there. He was 57 centimeters tall at birth.

(read more below the photo)

Smooth delivery

The proud parents from Kortrijk are Charlotte Vanpeteghem (35) and Wouter Scherpereel (33).

“The natural birth went smoothly. Everything is going well with Cedric. His older brothers were also sturdy and big babies at birth,” says mother Charlotte.

“Mathis (5) weighed 4.985 kilograms at birth and Remi (4) 4.670 kilograms.”
