Baby Bilbao | The father of the baby kidnapped in Bilbao: “I went crazy, I looked for Aimar even in the garbage”

10/21/2022 at 08:38


Pedro and Laura lived the longest 10 hours of their lives, a nightmare with a happy ending

Pedro and Laura lived Wednesday night the longest and worst hours of their lives. For ten hours, the time he remained kidnapped in Bilbao, Aimar, his newborn baby, they went crazy. “I was totally out of control, I didn’t know what to do & rdquor ;, says the father still with anguish and tears. They will never forget what happened. Aimar, the son of this young couple from Durango – who were parents for the second time – came into the world on Tuesday, weighed almost three kilos and the delivery went smoothly.

The couple has another 3-year-old girl, Alaiaso Pedro decided to spend Wednesday afternoon in Durango so he could be with the little girl and so that the girl would not feel alone. for the arrival of his little brother. In addition, the mother and the baby were perfectly, so they decided so. At dusk, Pedro planned to return to the Basurto hospital and it would be Laura’s sister who would stay with the little girl in Durango. The parents had everything organized so that the birth would not cause any disruption to the young family.

At 9:00 p.m., Laura called Pedro to tell him that she and the baby were being discharged, so they were going home earlier than planned. She seemed strange to him, she didn’t fit in, but Laura was told that the maternity ward was collapsed and therefore they had to vacate rooms for new mothers. Taking into account that mother and son were well, they had decided that at approximately ten o’clock at night they would go home. The woman who pretended to be a nurse expressly communicated this message to Laura. It was she herself who said that she was taking the little one to do the heel test and once it was finished they could leave.

Pedro didn’t like being in such a hurry. Above all, taking into account that the next day he had to return again to register, a procedure whose procedure has changed and now must be completed at the hospital.

Just as they had anticipated, At 10:00 p.m., he went back to the Basurto hospital complex. Laura was alone and It had been a while since they had taken little Aimar, which made him start to suspectr. Nervousness entered her, she admitted. “Haven’t they brought you Aimar yet?”, he asked his wife who had begun to accuse the delay. Nobody imagines that being in a hospital, in the maternity ward, a woman dresses up and pretends to be a nurse to steal a newborn. Those things happen in the movies, but in real life and in Bilbao they are not scenes that are contemplated as possible.

Pedroalready with the very accused suspicion, he went looking for someone to inform him about the test they were performing on the little boy. and it was then when a real nightmare began. The health worker she asked told her that there was no order to discharge them, nor was anyone carrying out a test on Aimar. “I went crazy, I lost control & rdquor ;, she commented yesterday to a friend. “I looked in the containers with the fear that they had thrown it in the garbage, but Aimar did not appear & rdquor ;.

By then the search protocol was already activated and the Ertzaintza began the investigation to find the whereabouts of the baby and the kidnapper. Pedro and Laura were beside themselves. They had to be given tranquilizers to control their state of nervousness and anxiety. “It is unimaginable what can go through your head in a situation like this”added a family friend.

Shattered by the nightmare they were living At three in the morning they received a call from the Ertzaintza that shed some light on them. The agents told Pedro that they had cameras where the woman who had kidnapped Aimar was seen entering a pharmacy from the Rekalde neighborhood where he had bought milk. Pedro thought of everything, but he wanted to cling to hope. The woman had bought milk for the baby. That meant that she at least was going to feed him. The next call was at 8:10 in the morning. “Good morning, Pedro, we have your son”.
