Babette de Ruijter in Schagen proclaimed new Miss West Frisian Folklore

Finally a new Miss West Frisian Folklore election could take place in Schagen. The last edition was in 2019, after that corona brought things to a standstill. In a ‘sold out’ Alpha hall, the audience watched last night how Babette de Ruijter took off with the win and especially the honour. From the end of June she is allowed on the trestle on Thursdays during the traditional parades.

As a baby, Babette de Ruijter took part in the West Frisian Folklore parade in Schagen in her pram. She also danced in the children’s dance group with her sister. So you can say that Folklore is in the blood of the Schagense: “My mother made this suit. Actually two years ago. Then we had to wait because of corona. Now I could finally handle it”

Last night a total of 14 ladies walked the catwalk to show their costumes. After an initial selection by the jury of six participants, the points of the public jury also started to count. “I didn’t expect it at all,” says De Ruijter, “I actually thought my aunt would win”.


“Fortunately, we are allowed again. After two years of absence, it was high time again”, says Rienk Mud, chairman of West Frisian Folklore, “You notice it in the people, everyone is ready. It is a huge tourist attraction. really puts Schagen on the map. That’s why everyone, municipality, catering, the middle class in general, are very happy with the folklore.”

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Anouk Ooteman, the previous Miss, was present to present the cup to her successor. Due to all the forced corona break, she has been able to carry the title for three years, a record. “Yes, that’s bizarre. I had a lot of fun. We were still able to do some things in between. But I also think it’s special that I can now pass it on again.


Ooteman’s most important tip to the brand new Miss: “Enjoy it. It’s just one big party”. Babette de Ruijter is already eager to get on Thursday June 30 and get to work on the nine Thursdays that follow. “I am most looking forward to sitting on the sleigh, I think. But I also think it is a great honor. That you participate and that you win, that is of course super fun!”
