“Baantjer jr. has long toes!”

Johan Derksen finds it incredibly lame that Paul Römer does not pat him on the back for the idea of ​​bringing Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen to SBS 6. “Such long toes!”


You would think that the entire Talpa management sits praying on a rug in the direction of the VI studio four times a day, but nothing could be further from the truth. One of them secretly even hates Johan Derksen and his friends, namely the former public broadcaster Paul Römer. He hoped to get rid of this trio by the candle riot.

Paul denies

Nothing could be further from the truth: VI is even the cork on which SBS 6 floats these days, but apparently Paul cannot give that a place for some silly reason. This Talpa boss now even flatly denies that it is Johan Derksen who gave the management the idea to bring Gijs Groenteman and Marcel van Roosmalen in for their own talk show.

And that while the almost one million VI viewers already saw in November (!) how Johan suggested this live on television. But did that inspire Paul or the rest of the executive team? Well, all own ideas!

John lashes out

That’s how bland, Johan Derksen thinks. He says in the Inside today from yesterday evening: “That gentleman doesn’t like anything, he takes himself a bit too seriously. If we call him ‘Baantjer junior’ (his father played in Baantjer, ed.), then he feels a bit offended, but three months ago (…) I officially submitted the plan to the management.”

Wilfred Genee sarcastically: “No, it says here: ‘On the program schedule, zero influence by these guys. They have absolutely nothing to do with the SBS 6 schedule!’”


That is correct, says Johan. “But he shouldn’t be so silly, you know. If he had just said to the guy who interviewed him: ‘We always listen very carefully to Mr Derksen’, then it would all have been ready. Now he will sit there and plead and stuff.”

He continues: “Didn’t he see that we talked about it here in the program? Then I also received an answer from the management that they thought that those two would not fit very well within SBS 6. Well, I could imagine that too.”

Sheer nonsense

Wilfred mockingly: “Yes, but Johan, it is hard what is written here. It also says here: ‘Not all channels are Johan Derksen channels.’”

Johan: “That is, of course, sheer nonsense! That is demonstrable! I can go to court with that.”

Wilfred: “This is just harsh criticism.”

René van der Gijp, who previously lashed out at Paul: “Hahahaha! He is angry!”

Johan: “Wilfred, I am not spiteful, but if John and I have a performance review with him soon, I will touch on it.”

Wilfred critical

Wilfred also thinks Paul is a huge poser. “Isn’t this unbelievable? Then you really don’t understand it at all.”

Johan: “That man shouldn’t take himself so seriously and shouldn’t have those long toes. He needs to be a little flexible and maybe a little self-mockery and humor now and then.”

Table guest Valentijn Driessen: “Yes, I remember Römer from that Ajax period and then he also made some slips and I also think this is a slip. I think I was sitting here next to Johan when he told me to put those guys here.”

Wilfred: “Even if it wasn’t, you’re still joking about what Johan says?”

Bag carrier

Such a man simply embarrasses himself, says Johan. “That man is always sent to those radio and TV programs to be the official spokesperson for Talpa, but he drowns in his correctness and sobriety and then always stands up for himself. Well, we are not so sensitive to authority here.”

According to him, it shouldn’t get any crazier. “If bag carriers like Baantjer junior start criticizing you, it will be crazy. Then it’s time to intervene, isn’t it?”

Wilfred laughs: “He will not appreciate this at all. He doesn’t see the humor in that. haha. He is now home again, stamping his feet!”

‘Ahem, dear Paul’

Tina Nijkamp, ​​ratings prophet and former channel boss of SBS 6, also scolds Paul. “Paul Römer thinks that Johan Derksen and therefore VI is ‘only an hour a day’ and that the channel is definitely more than that.”

She continues: “Ahem, dear Paul, may I remind you that only after the VI men went daily, early 2022, did SBS 6’s market share double again for the FIRST time since 2011 (the year John de Mol took over the channel). figures in the target group aged 20 to 54? That is how low the market share had become.”

“And that more positive result is mainly due to those men. Not through Talpa’s own panel shows and quizzes. So ‘just an hour’ should be: the entire channel is the number three channel in the country ‘THANKS to that hour’.”
