baanbrekend center Vaccinopolis opent de deuren

A bed, a desk, a televisie and a rode button for as ever never lekker voelt. The army would like to see the professionals who are going to work in the gloednieuwe onderzoekscentrum Vaccinopolis and doen. Here you are in the name of the Wetenschap two dead three weeks insulators. Persons tested completely after the zones of the building were classified with an infection target in the location of the dose, no vaccines can be given because they were ordered, but also medical conditions and zone of risk for the same.

There are other plans for Vaccinopolis Verdwenen to the val van de regering in 2018 near the achtergrond, because the corona has brought the concern of vaccinonderzoek weer helemal onder de Anacht. Then it can go quickly: the Vlaamse en federal regering kwamen with 25 million euros, in nautical Veertien maanden nadat de first steen gelegd is Vaccinopolis af.


In het nagelnieuwe complex van de UAntwerpen zullen vrijwillers the aan clinical vaccine test deelnemen hun prikje knnen krijgen en op regelmatige Basis op controle komen. He zijn also hoogbheilde labo’s was virus gills, bloedplasma’s and DNA were developed. Maar wat Vaccinopolis vooral uniek maakt, is de mogelijkheid om he drawn aamde human challenge studies uit te voeren. There are late profspersons – only then there is no vaccination – willingly besmetten met een ziektekiem en blijven ze twee tot drie weken ter pkke.

Het building is located on the campus Three Eiken van de Antwerp.Beeld Eric de Mildt

Inherently, Vaccinopolis is a proposal from the other Poliopolis, a project from 2017 that finances the bill from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Toen verbleven dertig mensen in a tijdelijk hermetisch afgesloten containerdorp om a nieuw kandidaat-vaccin tegen polio uit te test. With success: vandaag wordt het vaccin indicated om polio te bestrijden op het Afrikaanse continent.

With Vaccinopolis he now comes to a permanent quarantine vaccination center. With that camera is the largest dan vergelijkbare Centra in Europe in Bovendien he can also be tested vaccines that target the stricter Veheilheidsnormen ice, such as tuberculosis of corona. “Op het Europese vasteland is he geenkele vergelijkbare faciliteit”, says vaccinologist Pierre Van Damme (Antwerp).

Those professionals

Al would like to see the Human Challenge Studies as well as qualified professionals who willingly died three weeks ago remained in the onderzoekscentrum. Architect Roy Pype said there was an interior that a piece of furniture was named after a brick house of the laboratory, with lots of light and warm colors. In the case of vaccines that are ‘milder’ than the griep of RSV, professionals can tell us that they are not allowed to be in the public sector, and that there is a film on the bottom of the screen of a part of the pingpongen of the biljarten.

Professionals who are in favor of the Wetenschap late bloot spots on more serious zitekte gills such as tuberculosis of corona, have less pain. We would like to last hele onderzoek, dat vaak twee dead three weeks duurt, op en Kamer blijven. In addition, before the quarantine is possible, you must ask the professionals who take physical tests and also carry out psychological tests.

Toch is head of operations Bart Van Meerbergen ervan overtuigd dat ze niet snel zonder candidates zullen zitten. “Mensen doen het vaak uit altruïstische motives. Maar je zeet ok dat he mensen come here om me consciously af te zone. Bij de poliostudie hadden we een student die zijn scriptie wou afwerken, een architect die vanop afstand zijn kantoor heeft omgebouwd en iemand die een book heeft geschreven. Je hoeft dus not de hele period stil te liggen here.”
