Azulina President, a million pesos and a chori: the campaign that goes viral

To empathize with its public in the political and economic context of dairy products, Luz Azul launches the presidential candidacy of its mascot Azulina and raffles a million pesos (and a choripán). How humor is an effective resource in creative advertising.

The impact of laughter and identification

To mitigate the uncertainty they cause, the Buenos Aires company Luz Azul sides with the consumer and launches a raffle for one million pesos and a choripán together with the activation of a battery of discounts. The unique action, which has already generated impact on social media, is accompanied by the launch of the political candidacy of Azulina, the brand’s mascot. “With the ‘Discount Campaign’ we let customers know about the products we have on sale while we make them laugh of the pathos of our politicians”, says Sergio Ruestes, creative director of the brand. “Proposing our Azulina cow as a candidate for President is an idea so that the brand can speak and make a satire of today. People do not follow a brand just because, they follow it because it adds value, but mainly because he has fun. The cost of living rises with inflation not seen for 30 years and yet people make jokes about it because humor is our great catalyst”.

In line with the irony of his latest campaigns, which were also inspired by the national scene with a parody of Milei (on that occasion the Azulina cow was wearing her iconic hairstyle), the new initiative also makes fun of politicians: “People are tired of the situation in the country, There are concerns that are on everyone’s lips and that generates identification: no one is exempt from inflation and lots of other problems with which Azulina makes humor. Our cow is a wild card that allows us to say things that, as a brand, we cannot say institutionally”, says Ruestes and adds: “In this context of crisis, people are grateful to know that we see, feel and suffer the same as them and we perceive it with constant increase in followers, interactions, messages and sales increase”, reports on the marketing strategy of the company that in just 11 years opened 70 stores throughout the country and is positioned against the major competitors in the field.

In this way, Luz Azul launches the raffle that is a guaranteed success of participation: win a million pesos and a choripán, appealing to the idea that politicians give choris to their followers. A prize that everyone wants to win, that draws attention and attracts new customers to the premises.

The campaign is extremely witty and makes a reality comedy, to weather the economic and political crisis with an initiative as ingenious as it is beneficial for consumers. How does it work? “People are going to receive a ballot from our Azulina cow on the street or in the branches, they have to complete it with their information and deposit it in the voting booths that are in the premises. In October, a week before the presidential elections, we will carry out the raffle in which Azulina will deliver $1,000,000 and a choripán”, they describe.

The strategy of the dairy SME that produces more than 30 million liters of milk per year is, firstly, a good pricing, think about the battered pocket of the consumer. From the brand they confirm that consumption habits reflect the economic problem we are going through and the devaluation: every day, customers ask for a smaller piece of cheese to counteract the price update, also the most ordered are the cheapest. So, after achieving good prices develop a campaign based on communicating these discounts and promotions with a significant share of humor that reaps likes and palates.


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