Azerbaijan and Armenia resume the war and open another front to Putin

The attacks that exploded last night on the border Azerbaijani-Armenian, of which Yerevan and Baku accuse each other, continued this Tuesday, according to Armenia, a country that has asked Russia to activate the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Military Assistance and it has asked the post-Soviet CSTO military alliance and the UN for help.

Armenia, very close to Russia, and Azerbaijan, an ally of Turkey, have publicly confirmed hostilities, which represent a new and unexpected front for Vladimir Putin at a delicate moment of the war in Ukraine.

“The enemy continues to use artillery, mortars, unmanned aerial vehicles and large-caliber weapons in the directions of Vardenis, Sotk, Artanish, Ishkhanasar, Goris and Kapan, against military and civilian infrastructure,” the Armenian Defense Ministry said today in a morning report on the situation.

He indicated that positional battles are also taking place in certain sections of the border.

“The enemy does not stop trying to advance,” denounced the Armenian military institution.

Contrary to Yerevan’s version, Baku attributed responsibility for the escalation of tensions on the border to Armenia.

“Starting from the night of September 12, units of the Armenian Armed Forces carried out large-scale sabotage in the Dashkesan, Kelbajar and Lachin directions of the Azerbaijani-Armenian border,” the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said. it’s a statement.


The Ministry of Defense in turn assured that sabotage groups of the Armed Forces of Armenia, taking advantage of the mountainous terrain, planted mines in various directions between the positions of the Azerbaijani Army units and the supply roads.

In addition, he continued, Armenian soldiers “fired intensely” against the positions of the Azerbaijani Army in those three locations “with weapons of various calibers, including mortars”.

As a result, Baku assured, “there were losses among the personnel of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, and the military infrastructure was also damaged.”

Therefore, “decisive response measures were taken by Azerbaijani Army units deployed in this direction to suppress firing points of the Armenian Armed Forces,” the statement said.

Both Yerevan and Baku branded the information released by the other party as flatly false. that it was their forces that started the attacks.

Macron and Putin

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian immediately called to the presidents of Russia and France, Vladimir Putin, and Emmanuel Macron, as well as the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to inform them of the situation.

According to the Armenian media outlet, after an emergency Security Council held last night in Yerevan, Pashinyan made the decision to “officially appeal to the Russian Federation to implement the provisions of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance, to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (OTSC) to the UN Security Council”.

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The Treaty of Friendship between Yerevan and Moscow, in force since 1997, contains the possibility of military assistance from Russia.

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