AZC Budel helps Ter Apel with 50 beds

The Asylum Seekers Center in Budel received 50 refugees from the application center in Ter Apel this weekend. They arrived in Budel on Saturday evening. There people slept in tents and on chairs because there was no decent outflow to regular asylum seekers’ centres.

In addition to the reception center for asylum seekers, Budel is also a registration and identification center. That is why the reception of people from ter Apel is logical. In total there are currently 1,400 people staying in Budel.

The application center in Ter Apel has been overcrowded for a long time, because the flow of permit holders from reception centers to homes has stagnated. According to the spokesperson, in the night from Saturday to Sunday, for the first time in weeks, no asylum seekers had to sleep in the sports hall, a Red Cross tent or on a chair in the IND waiting room due to a shortage of places. .

On Friday, the cabinet announced that a crisis approach will be introduced for the stalled asylum reception. State Secretary Eric van der Burg (Asylum and Migration) also said that the security regions have promised about three hundred extra reception places for the coming days. On Monday, Van der Burg must submit a plan to provide enough shelter places for the next three months.

The Brabant security regions will also discuss on Monday where they will create additional reception places for asylum seekers.
