Azarkan gets a push from the police so that Wilders can pass | Inland

Azarkan was talking to his voters on the market in The Hague, until he suddenly had to make way for Member of Parliament Geert Wilders. “I’m here campaigning,” Azarkan continues to say. But in vain: he is pushed aside by a cop.

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Think is not happy with the action. „Azarkan is pushed hard during the campaign when Geert Wilders suddenly arrives. Both the police and his security officers want to give Wilders priority over the safety and campaign rights of our Farid.”

In turn, the police announced on Twitter that Azarkan did not want to step aside. “When entering the Hague Market by the party leader of the PVV and his security guards, it is very busy and the police have been asked to make some space.” According to the police, Azarkan did not respond to this, so officers pushed him away.
