AZ places nets in front of the hard core for fear of punishment

AZ is taking precautions for the match against Lazio. The Alkmaar club is going to hang nets because it is facing a heavy penalty. The nets come in front of the Van der Ben stand, where the fanatical supporters of AZ live.

Earlier this season, part of the stands even remained empty. Behind the goal, the spaces W and X1 were empty, because objects were thrown from those spaces. In the following matches things went wrong again from the Van der Ben stand. In addition to a hefty fine, AZ risks closing the fanatical side in the event of a subsequent incident.

“AZ makes an urgent appeal to the fans to support the club in a positive way”, writes the club on the website. “In addition, AZ feels compelled to err on the side of caution, since throwing objects unfortunately returns repeatedly this season, and to place the nets in front of part of the Van der Ben stand.”

15,000 tickets have already been sold for the AZ – Lazio match. Yesterday coach Pascal Jansen’s team won 2-1 in Rome. The return in the eighth final of the Conference League will be played in Alkmaar next Thursday at 9 p.m.
