AZ defender Bruno Martins Indi pleasantly surprised with a chance from Louis van Gaal

After the football show of AZ against Vitesse (6-1), Bruno Martins Indi was allowed to pass almost all the cameras in the press room. Of course to provide text and explanation about the gala performance of his team, but also about his invitation to the Dutch National Team. “The national coach said I had a chance.”

Bruno Martins Indi after football show against Vitesse – NH Nieuws

In the absence of the injured Owen Wijndal, Bruno Martins Indi wore the captain’s armband and saw his team play very strong. AZ had to make up for last Thursday’s defeat against Vitesse (2-1) in Arnhem. “In training I see our high level every day, and today it came out well.”

good game

Pascal Jansen also thought his team presented a very good appearance. The proud trainer thought that the high result was mainly due to the good game by AZ and that it was not due to an offday by Vitesse.

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Pascal Jansen after 6-1 win over Vitesse – NH Nieuws


The internationals will gather in Zeist next week to play four international matches. One of the most striking names in the selection of national coach Louis van Gaal is Bruno Martins Indi. “I am pleasantly surprised.” The AZ captain played his last international match at the beginning of June 2017. That was an exhibition game against Ivory Coast, but Martins Indi was no longer called up after that. In total, the defender made 34 appearances for the Dutch national team.

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Bruno Martins Indi about his election to Orange – NH Nieuws

All four matches of Orange are for the Nations League. Belgium will be the first opponent on 3 June, followed by Wales, Poland and Wales again.

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