AZ acquisition Mihailovic has a high price tag: “Shows confidence”

Today he was on the training field for the first time, but AZ already secured six-time American international Djordje Mihailovic in August. The Alkmaarders paid six million euros for the creative midfielder, who is not shocked by his price tag. “It doesn’t feel like extra pressure.”

AZ acquisition Mihailovic: “It shows confidence that she wanted me” – NH Sport

The 24-year-old American was determined to finish the season at his previous club Montreal, because he was still fully competing for prizes in the MLS, the highest American football competition, with that club. “I wanted to finish what we started there. In hindsight I’m also glad I stayed. I knew there would come a time for me to play in Europe and I’m glad I’m here now,” said Mihailovic , who completed his first training for the club in Wijdewormer in rainy conditions.

“I knew there would come a time for me to play in Europe”

AZ acquisition Djordje Mihailovic

At AZ, Mihailovic has to compete in midfield with strong holders Jordy Clasie, Tijjani Reijnders and Dani de Wit, among others. “I think we all have our specific qualities. Tijjani is a box to box’ player and Dani is physically very strong. And I’m very creative again. So I think we can all have our own role in the team.”

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Djordje Mihailovic: “I am someone who likes to create opportunities” – NH Sport

Intelligence player

AZ coach Pascal Jansen is already very pleased with the latest addition. “He is an intelligent player. He also fits in well with the way we play. He is also very strong in communication and he adapts quickly. In short, all the signals you are looking for are positive, says Jansen.

AZ coach Pascal Jansen about Djordje Mihailovic – NH Sport

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