Ayuso reforms trans and LGTBI laws with the rejection of the left and the support of Vox

The Government of the Community has approved this Friday the reform of the law against LGTBIphobia and the regional trans law. Seven years after the autonomous chamber passed these laws with the popular abstention, the PP of Isabel Diaz Ayuso modifies both to the delight of Vox, which has been asking for this to happen for four years. Rocío Monasterio and her team assume that this milestone is a “triumph for Vox” and they applaud what happened today in the Madrid Assembly, although they have disgraced Ayuso for having done the impossible to process these laws urgently so that their debate and approval coincided with the day of the Christmas Lottery and thus more unnoticed. It has barely taken them a month to approve them since they presented the proposals.

While conservatives congratulate themselves on this reform, “today is a great day”has repeated the Vox spokesperson, José Antonio Fuster Lamelas, in the left-wing opposition the rejection is absolute. After several demonstrations in Madrid and the warning from the Ministry of Equality that it will be vigilant so that regional laws do not come into “collision & rdquor; with the national or cut rights, the Assembly has given its yes with 81 votes (the sum of PP and Vox) to the modification of these two laws.

Fuster has assured that They will continue working to “repeal” one day the law and has regretted that the PP “has chosen a day in which the people of Madrid are busy with other things”, but has enthusiastically applauded the reform before listing twenty associations, many of them linked to the Catholic Church, and thank different personalities who have “accompanied” them in this project, such as the popular Jaime Mayor Oreja.

“Lack of rights”

Spain is a leading country in LGTBI rightsWe were pioneers and many countries copied us”, pointed out the socialist Santi Ribero when defending his party’s rejection of this reform and warning that it will be a “stain” for the PP: “Vox is in the place where they have always been. But the PP will have to be asked why it has detransitioned on that path.” The PSOE regional spokesperson, Juan Lobato, had previously denounced in the hallways that the change “implies a lack of rights” and “eliminates essential issues that functioned normally, such as diversity plans in schools to facilitate the coexistence and normal development of all.” the students”.

Carla Antonelli has denounced on behalf of Más Madrid that it is an “aberration” that the rights of the trans people. And with irony he has criticized that “it is surprising that the executing arms and executioners” of these reforms are people who despite “not belonging to this group” are telling them “how” to feel and identify: “Now a meapilas will decide if we are transsexuals”. In the same vein as in the previous debate, Antonelli has appealed to past and current times in which the “fear and terror” experienced by those who belong to this group and has repeated that the right will have “its hands stained with blood” after approving this law: “The only bad thing about being trans is you because you make our lives impossible.” Her partner Jimena González has lamented that the new law against LGTBIphobia “introduces a right to discriminate” against the constitutional right to free development of the person. “Mrs. (Mónica) Lavín, we do not need her affection, we want rights,” she snapped at the popular deputy who has defended the laws.

For its part, Lavin, Ayuso, whom Ayuso has not heard in the chamber because he has not attended the debate, has reminded the left that the PP carried this reform in its electoral program and achieved the absolute majority that allows them to modify these laws. “They have been left alone in the streets and on social networks,” said the popular deputy, who insisted that the texts have been written listening to “the experts and technicians of the Chamber” and that with the trans law ” medical care is finally decriminalized.”

Less indoctrination

The texts finally approved include up to 20 amendments that the PP registered for its texts, 14 of them to Law 2/2016, of March 29, on Identity and Expression of Gender and Social Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Community of Madrid (known as Trans Law) and 6 to Law 3/2016 , of July 22, on Comprehensive Protection against LGTBIphobia and Discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Identity in the Community of Madrid (LGTBI Law).

The PP suppresses in these laws the reversal of the burden of proof and eliminates issues that could be interpreted as indoctrination, although it allows the maintenance of medical guidelines and protocols appropriate to the principles of informed consent that it initially also sought to suppress.

Refering to trans law, the popular ones seek with this reform to limit hormones and suppress sex change surgeries for minors, who will be required to submit a psychological report before undergoing any treatment. The idea is to ensure the “constant and serious support of professionals from the formation of multidisciplinary teams, in specialized care units or centers, must be reinforced.” The amendments have incorporated that this support be maintained in the event that the person decides to “desist or reverse the sex change process.” In addition, it marks a distance from state law by suppressing, within its powers, the recognition of freely expressed gender identity and replacing it with “sexual condition or expression.”

Related news

According to the LGTBI lawthe original project sought to repeal the creation of the LGTBI Council of the Community of Madrid and eliminate the contribution of public institutions and powers in the visibility of this group, as well as suppress the formation of certain organizations.

Also, finally the sanctioning regime disappears in both laws and refers to state law.
